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Tuesday July 17, 2018 – 1:00 p.m.
Berger Auditorium, 6633 Oakmont Drive, Santa Rosa CA 95409
President Spanier called the meeting to order at 1:05 PM noting a quorum of seven (7) Directors present.
Carolyn Bettencourt, Director
President Steve Spanier Greg Goodwin, Director
Tom Kendrick, Vice President Al Medeiros, Director
Marianne Neufeld, Secretary Heidi Klyn, Director
Treasurer Elke Strunka, GM Kevin D. Hubred, EAA Cathy Dougherty, Timekeeper Rich Laden and approximately 59 members.
II. ADOPT MEETING AGENDA President Spanier called for a motion to adopt the meeting Agenda. Directors Kendrick and Medeiros moved and seconded a motion to adopt the meeting Agenda. The Board voted unanimously 7/0 for the motion.
III. TIME KEEPER – Rich Laden / TASK MASTER – Cathy Dougherty President Spanier welcomed Timekeeper Rich Laden and Task Master EAA Cathy Dougherty.
IV. CONSENT CALENDAR President Spanier called for a motion to accept the Consent Calendar.
Directors Klyn and Kendrick moved and seconded a motion to accept the Consent Calendar. The Board voted unanimously 7/0 for the motion.
V. PRESIDENTS REPORT President Spanier commented on the following topics:
1) How to reach the Board of Directors.
2) Fireside Chats.
3) Neighborhood Gatherings at Oakmont homes where a maximum of three (3) Board members could be present. The Board hopes use of this informal format will help members will feel comfortable interacting with each other and attending Board members. A staff member will take notes.
4) Town Hall meetings.
5) Methods of staying up-to-date: contact Board members, attend informational events, check OVA’s website, sign up for Friday email bulletins and notices, talk directly with a Board member.
VI. SECRETARY’S EXECUTIVE MEETING SUMMARY Secretary Neufeld reported the Board discussed a legal matter, two Architectural violations, one contract, and one personnel matter at today’s Executive Board meeting.
- Treasurers Report –
• Treasurer Strunka reported OVA’s financial summary for six (6) months ending June 30, 2018 and provided 2018 second quarter reserve analysis and bank reconciliations.
Directors Kendrick and Spanier moved and seconded a motion to accept the Treasurer’s June 30, 2018 financials and 2018 2nd Quarter reserve analysis and bank reconciliation reports. The Board voted unanimously 7/0 for the motion.
• ERC Building Loan Valuation – Treasurer Strunka reported her findings and recommendations concerning loan evaluations for the East Rec and Berger buildings.
• Transfer of Funds – Members Equity to Reserves – Treasurer Strunka recommended the Board authorize transferring $138,354 to the Asset Reserve Fund from the Association’s 2017 income account. Directors Kendrick and Medeiros moved and seconded a motion to transfer $138,354 from the Association’s 2017 income account to the Asset Reserve Fund. The Board voted unanimously 7/0 for the motion. - Management Report – GM Hubred announced: 1) There will be a presentation by OVA’s Reserve Analyst Bob Browning on Tue, Aug 7, 2018 in the Berger from 6-8 PM on OVA’s Draft 2019 Reserve Analysis Report. 2) He explained his desire to help Oakmont achieve a Fire Wise Community status. The Board agreed to establish an Fire Safety Committee that is working to define OVA Common Area and individual homes with at risk conditions to submit requests for grant funds to correct those areas.
- Committee Reports (Committee Chairs) – 1) OCDC Interim Chair Wally Schilpp reported that Mount Vista HOA’s small orchard parcel at Pythian and Hwy 12 is fenced and has a water source for a Dog Park. 2) Election Voting Rules Ad Hoc Committee Chair Phil Herzog reported the Committee’s spent two months reviewing all OVA voting rules and invites anyone interested in contributing to contact him.
VIII. 1:42PM – OPEN FORUM – President Spanier said members will have 3 minutes to speak. Members spoke on the following topics:
1) OGC – E Sutter, P Herzog, D Hopley, L Oneto.
2) OVA Publication Policy – B Bon.
3) Dog Park – K Brix, N Barr, T Kenrick.
4) Emergency Fire Escape Routes – R Holiday
- Insurance Building Valuation – Directors Spanier and Kendrick moved and seconded a motion to authorize AJ Scott, Cline Insurance, as follows:
1. To provide proposals for each of the two described options of the Master
(Excess Property) policy;
2. Use the 10% Option for EQ/Flood policy; and
3. Accept the $200 policy increase for the Equipment Breakdown carrier (Travelers).
The Board voted unanimously 7/0 for the motion. - Temporary Dog Park – Board heard nine (9) member comments either for or opposed to the temporary Dog Park at CRC. After discussion among board members, Directors Goodwin and Kendrick moved and seconded a motion to approve the CRC Greensward lawn area for a temporary dog park and require the Dog Park Committee to fully estimate costs associated with establishing it on the CRC Greensward. After one (1) year the Board will revisit the project. The Board voted in the majority for the motion 6/1 Opposed – Bettencourt.
3:19 PM President Spanier recessed the meeting for ten (10) minutes.
3:30 PM President Spanier reconvened the meeting.
- Project Process Training Material Development – Directors Spanier and Medeiros moved and seconded a motion to approve the Board assigning Directors Kendrick and Medeiros to work with Jim Ouimette to prepare project management training materials for the OVA Board.
The Board voted unanimously 7/0 for the motion. - Facility Use Policy-Clubs/Groups – Directors Medeiros and Spanier moved and seconded a motion that the Board approve a revised facility use policy in concept and publish changes in Oakmont News for members 30-day review and comment to the Board prior to approval by the Board at the September regular meeting. The Board voted unanimously 7/0 for the motion.
- Facility Construction & Maintenance – Item postponed until August 2018 regular Board meeting.
- Pickleball Court Rules – Directors Spanier and Medeiros moved and seconded a motion to approve the new Pickleball Court Rules in concept and publish for members 30-day review and comments to the Board prior to approval by the Board at a future regular meeting.
The Board voted unanimously 7/0 for the motion. - Pickleball Promise Resolution – Directors Bettencourt and Goodwin moved and seconded a motion that the Board is requested to honor the public promise and written contract to donate the previously refunded $16,131 Pickleball Club donation. The Board voted in the majority opposed 2/5 to the motion. For: Bettencourt/Goodwin; Opposed: Spanier, Kendrick, Neufeld, Medeiros and Klyn. Motion failed.
- Facility Construction & Maintenance – Directors Spanier and Medeiros moved and seconded a motion that the Board approve that neither OVA Club nor OVA members are expected to pay for the construction or major maintenance of facilities they use. The Board voted unanimously 7/0 for the motion.
- Duty to Maintain Enforcement Policy – Directors Spanier and Medeiros moved and seconded a motion that the Board has authority to enter residents’ property, provided due process has been provided with the opportunity to be heard by the Board pursuant to OVA enforcement policy. The Board voted unanimously 7/0 for the motion.
- CAC Parking Lot Asphalt Renovation – Directors Spanier and Kendrick moved and seconded a motion that Board approve Sikes Asphalt proposed bid for $33,894.00 with funds allocated from the Asset Reserve Fund (ARF). The Board voted unanimously 7/0 for the motion.
Items for Board review: Member correspondence; Committee Minutes; Other
- The Next Board Meeting will be Tuesday August 21, 2018 at 1:00 PM in the Berger Building
XIV. ADJOURNMENT – Directors Spanier and Kendrick moved and seconded a motion to adjourn the meeting at 4:32 PM.