Monday, January 18, 2021
Present: Ann Benson, Leslie Brockman, Marlena Cannon Tremont, Bruce Hartsough, Herm Hermann, Virginia Katz, Jackie Kinney, Jess Marzak (Board Liaison), Marilyn Pahr, Allen Parsons, Jan Young (Chair)
Absent: Jim Munger
Guests: Jeff Young
The meeting was called to order by Chair Jan Young at 1:01 p.m.
The Minutes from January 4, 2021 were approved, as corrected.
Former Long Range Planning Committee member and current OVA Board of Directors member Jeff Young has analyzed the results of the 2020 Club Survey and presented the LRPC board with his findings. We thank Jeff for all the effort and expertise he demonstrated in this analysis.
Below are some of the comments and questions from LRPC members, along with responses from Jeff and others.
- Regarding the number of new clubs, has Covid affected the survey, which was filled out basically before the closure of OVA facilities?
- The effect of Covid on existing clubs was not addressed in the survey and is not currently known, other than most are not meeting in person at this time.
- No matter how many spaces OVA has for meetings or how large the rooms are, a limit will eventually be reached. Is our “hard limit” now too small?
- Anita Roraus’ current spreadsheet of club has data only for those clubs established since 2003. Suggestion: Check on clubs yearly to see if they are still active. New clubs and large clubs are mostly the ones that are experiencing issues with lack of available rooms or space.
- How many residents are happy or unhappy about the number of clubs?
- This survey doesn’t project into the future. It’s static, and we will have to wait until Covid is over to get the community actively involved.
- Regarding the availability of rooms for meetings and events, what is the status of reserving rooms during non-Covid times?
- One problem is that most clubs want the same or similar times to meet, with many not preferring early mornings or evenings. The survey did not ask a question about preferable or possible meeting times.
- Think “out of the box” and encourage clubs to meet at less popular times. Can the meeting day be expanded from an 8-hour block to 12?
- Clubs that have the most trouble booking rooms are the larger ones. Many club leaders voiced concerns for larger rooms.
- Some clubs have had meeting times booked for many years and don’t always use the space.
- Is 10% of the Oakmont population a reasonable target to choose to be able to fit into a main meeting room?
- Is it possible to build a Berger that’s big enough to hold 10% of Oakmont’s population and still include expanded parking?
- The report isn’t about how many clubs and their growth, but how many clubs does OVA want to support? Suggestions: Work with an architect to determine size of rooms in relation to needs. Reconfigure the fire department limits and their baseline. (Example: fire department says there is a max of 271 people in the Berger, but 10% of the Oakmont population would be 472 attendees.)
- OVA needs better and more user-friendly scheduling software so that residents can see for themselves what and when rooms are available.
- Perhaps the SDAT study with AIA will bring more awareness to the community regarding these issues.
- What should Long Range Planning Committee’s involvement in the club survey be at this point? Suggestion: Use this survey and its results as one of the tools in our long-range planning.
Marlena reported the Sustainable Design Assessment Team’s (SDAT) fourth draft has been submitted to ArchiLOGIX and Mitch Conner, who is pleased with the results. Suggestion: Architects have a process as to how to engage the community in this vision … use them.
Marlena, Jackie, and Leslie submitted a subcommittee update to LRPC members. This included information about work already done, along with immediate needs that have been identified, recommendations for action items, and remaining questions.
It was suggested articles about aging-in-place be printed in the Oakmont News every month.
There was discussion as to whether this subcommittee is truly a committee or a club. Should it be under the umbrella of LRPC? Since Oakmont Volunteer Helpers helped to create a 2019 flyer about available services in Oakmont, the idea of OVH taking over the Aging in Place subcommittee was expressed. Herm volunteered to contact Matt Zwerling, chair of OVH, to explore this idea and to also consider updating the services brochure. Matt will be invited to our next meeting to discuss this issue.
Tabled until February 1, 2021 meeting.
The meeting was adjourned by Jan Young at 2:23 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by Leslie Brockman.
The next LRPC meeting date is Monday, February 1, 2021, 1:00 p.m.,
via Zoom.