Present: Ann Benson, Denise Bickert, Leslie Brockman, Marlena Cannon, Stephanie Curry, Jackie Kinney, George McKinney, Marilyn Pahr, Jan Young
Absent: Bruce Hartsough, Herm Hermann, Jess Marzak (Board Liaison)
Guests: None
The meeting was called to order by Chair Jan Young at 1:03 p.m.
Minutes from the LRPC meeting on November 4, 2019 were approved.
§ Aging in Place Sub-Committee – Marlena Cannon
Chair Marlena Cannon talked with Pat Barclay (chair of OEPC) about the concept of Oakmont using Map Your Neighborhood (MYN), which would eliminate OVA’S liability. Pat said OEPC might be able to help LRPC establish a MYN plan. Oakmont Emergency Preparedness Committee will host a Public Safety Power Shutoff Safety workshop, in conjunction with OVA, in January 2020.
In an effort led by Ann Benson and Katy Carrel, the Rainbow Women Club has 30 women on their MYN committee. A binder of information has been assembled, which includes the following topics of concern: outside of your home; inside of your home; go bag/stay in place preparation; when disaster strikes. Checklists have been established for each category. Also created within Rainbow Women are small groups of residents, where they are accountable for the people in their group, even though the residences are not contiguous. They are having a “Guinea Pig Party” soon and will invite Marlena to attend.
Also discussed was the Neighborhood Watch program, which a few sub-HOA’s use. Assembling an information pamphlet/folder on services and business available for seniors is an idea that was discussed. Example: “What Oakmont residents with medical issues should know.” How to distribute this pamphlet/folder and how to fund it are still to be decided. “OAKMONT READY” might be the overall heading/organization for these projects and others and may lead to a
townhall or workshop that would include additional topics, like “forever homes.”
§ Solar Sub-Committee
George McKinney updated the LRPC on the progress of the solar sub-committee. On Friday, 11/22, he and members of the committee are to meet with directors and managers at Pacific Gas & Electricity (PG&E) to discuss “Oakmont’s Resiliency Deep Dive.” In addition, Sonoma Clean Power (SCP) has listed Oakmont as a model for resiliency.
Members of the LRP Committee shared priorities on a ten-year plan for Oakmont, some of which are as follows:
· Complete solar installation to encompass all Oakmont facilities.
· Do a feasibility study to get all of Oakmont offices on an electric grid.
· Continue investigating a Central Complex, a local gathering place, and parking needs.
· Increase WiFi communications and technology skills with residents.
· Study the need for increased public transportation within Oakmont.
· Have community meetings to explore future projects, parking, use of golf course space, and funding.
· Hire a Community Planner to recommend future projects
· Consider changing CC&Rs to allow for an assessment to new owners.
· Establish an evacuation plan for residents who do not drive.
· Enlarge the potential “Oakmont Ready” idea to include safety and emergency issues for all Oakmont residents.
The meeting was adjourned by Jan Young at 2:51 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by Leslie Brockman.
The next LRPC meeting date is Monday, December 2, 2019, 1:00 p.m. in the OVA Conference Room.