- Discussion about file structure to be used: Jeff decided he would share the one he established and we will use that
- Kevin suggested we add time and place on the agenda. Group agreed.
- Group decided regular meetings will be in Kevin’s office from 9 – 11 each Thursday. Group recognizes Steve is unavailable after 10 AM on the second Thursday of each month and unavailable from March 16 – 31.
- Steve to create a draft ASA charter using Kevin’s template; Kevin to provide template to Steve
- Q2 Objectives:
- To create a report for the board to recommend those things that stakeholders can do to improve the operations of sub-associations.
- What do sub-associations need and how can various stakeholders help in better meeting those needs?
- Create a roadmap as to how to achieve this by June 30th.
- Kevin to comment on Jeff’s document
- Jeff to include Bob’s “Additional Questions” handout into his document
- Bob submitted sample letter to SAs
- Jeff to include Bob’s sample letter in the next draft of his documents
- Bob to update Mary and Dwight on new meeting day/time
- Group decided Mary can continue to serve, if she wants, even though she is no longer a resident.