3-11-2019 East Rec Progress

Sunshine!! Finally!?? That means more trucks, earth movers, and concrete workers are coming in these next two weeks….on both sides of the building.

The concrete  pool deck prep and pour and the parking lot fire line with open trenches and heavy equipment represent possibility of accidents.


As of tomorrow, March 12th NO resident will be allowed to walk or park in the East Rec parking lot or the service path (which is where the pool bulldozers will be going to and fro) until 4 pm to sunset.

Only at 4 pm the East Rec pickleball and tennis courts will be available until sunset on every day construction is happening….IF they park on the street ONLY and ONLY walk the service path. Do not walk in the parking lot at all. We want the workers and the residents to be safe.

Below you see piles of rock for “fill” after the street and trench work are complete.

Today sawcutting the open trench for the increased fire water line to service the fire sprinklers will be completed.

Part of the ongoing progress happens with clarifying decisions from shared information made at the weekly progress meetings. Who attends these meetings?
The Nordby team, myself, Tom Kendrick from the OVA Board, Rick Aubert, OVA facilities manager and David Dearden, VIce Chair of the BCC (taking the photo, so you cannot see him!)

The steel deck joists are further along. Soon there will be deck and a railing!

The sheetrock taping and mudding for the downstairs baths are almost complete. The closing up of the downstairs sheetrock had to be delayed until the fire inspector could come to the site and approve the sprinkler system downstairs.

The public art in the high hat (which is also acoustic panels) has been installed! It looks terrific! These are mountain views we see from the windows of the East Rec.

Here are the other panels with mountain views as seen from the East Rec.

Below you may notice a gray band around the room. These are acoustic panels but made to look like an aesthetic feature like a wallpaper band.

The new LED undercabinet lights are complete.

The two new ceiling fans made in size and speed for a big room are excellent. You also see some hanging lights left and right of this fan. The height of the fan, the lights, and the movie projector, from the ceiling had to be calculated so they would not interfere with each other.

Here lies the open trench made today for the fire water line to be buried in.

This big upside down “U” with two red handles is the back flow device to make sure our drinking water stays clean. These are never very attractive but its location is required to be within a certain distance of other parts it is connected to.

The water shutoff for the 11 homeowners last Thursday lasted 3 hours. The street work will soon be over for awhile.

Patience is really hard to maintain when the work gets this far along. The dirt, the inconvenience is wearing on a lot of us. But soon…really soon, it will be worth the sacrifices we have all made.

Keep the faith!

Iris F. Harrell

We are all in this together…2019