Audio-Visual Equipment Manual (Aspen Conference Room)

The Aspen Conference Room is a Zoom Room in the OVA Admin Office located at 6637 Oakmont Drive.

The Aspen Conference Room includes the following equipment which facilitate usage of the Zoom Room:

  • Zoom Room Computer
    • Small black squarish computer shown in first photo below.
    • There is a keyboard and mouse on the bookshelf beneath the computer.
  • Zoom Room Controller (an app on the room’s iPad).
  • Anker Speakerphone (used as room’s microphone and speaker).
  • Vizio television, for viewing Zoom participants and sharing screens.
  • Webcam, plugged into Zoom Room Computer.

Please follow these instructions to use the Zoom Room available in this meeting space.

Turning on Zoom Room Computer

Take note of the Zoom Room computer located on top of the bookshelves to the left of the room’s television. The red power button will emit light when the computer is awake/on. This photo shows the computer off or in sleep mode.

This is what will show on the Zoom Room Controller app in the room’s iPad, if the computer is asleep.

Tap any button on the room’s keyboard to wake up the computer.

This photo shows the computer awake. Please note the light now emitting from the red power button.

Turning on the TV and changing the TV Source

This remote will be located on the bookshelf near the keyboard and mouse.

Turn on TV
If the TV is not already on, then press the button in the upper-left corner of the remote to turn on the TV.

TV Source = HDMI-4
If the TV is not displaying the Zoom Room message, then use the button in the upper-right corner of the remote to change the source. The Zoom Room computer is connected to the HDMI-4 source.

This is the Zoom Room message that will display on the associated screen of any OVA Zoom Room when a meeting is not in progress. If you have ensured the computer is awake, and this message is not displaying while the TV is on, follow the instructions above for changing the TV’s source.

After completing the steps listed above, you can now manage the meeting and/or screen-sharing from the room’s iPad within the Zoom Room Controller app.

If you need more assistance with starting your meeting or sharing your screen, please review these articles:

Start Your Meeting in an OVA Zoom Room – Oakmont Village

How to Share Your Screen with Zoom Rooms – Oakmont Village


If you are having a Zoom meeting in the Aspen Conference Room, the speakerphone should connect as soon as the meeting is started. Here is an example of how the speakerphone should respond to sound when a meeting is happening:

The speakerphone is able to pick up audio from people on the other side of the room, even when it is up on the bookshelf. For this reason, leave the speakerphone on the shelf.

If the speakerphone is not working, try holding the power button on the front-side of the speakerphoen to turn it off, wait a few seconds, and then hold it down to turn it back on.

The speakerphone is most commonly disconnected from the Zoom Room by someone accidentally pressing the phone button on the top, or one of the front-side buttons.

The power button can be used to turn the speakerphone on and off.

If the speakerphone is moved from the shelf onto the conference table, please be careful not to accidentally press any of the buttons on the top or front-side of the speakerphone.

The minus (-) and plus (+) buttons raise and lower the volume. The microphone button toggles on and off mute, and the telephone button is used when the speakerphone is paired with a cellphone or conference phone.

Please avoid pressing the telephone button because it can accidentally throw the speakerphone into a different mode.

Are people in the Zoom meeting reporting that you sound garbled or robot-like? This is most commonly related to the speakerphone needing a firmware update. If this occurs, please ask a staff member to check for a speakerphone update per the instructions in the IT & Communications Coordinator Handbook.


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