At the March 18 OVA board meeting director Matt Oliver gave an update on the Central Complex project. Below is his report.
VIDEO: 3-18-2025 Board Meeting – Oakmont Village
I’d like to provide you with an update and some positive news regarding the Central Complex process. After the Board requested that I work closely with Nordby Construction to improve the clarity of the figures and data, I’m pleased to report that we are making significant progress.
First, it’s important to clarify that, contrary to some misconceptions, the Board has not yet received any formal cost report from Archilogix on cost figures. What we have received so far are numbers that alone don’t provide a clear, comprehensive report for discussion or decision-making.
We have shared in prior meetings that Mitch Connor (Architect) did submit a report to the board, but that was his report on how he got to the different concepts and what he would recommend as phasing options. Not a cost report.
Importantly, responding to other community misconceptions, the Board has not endorsed, approved, or otherwise made any decisions about any particular concept or components of any of the concepts presented at this stage.
As we work toward obtaining more accurate figures for a comprehensive report to the Board and community, several factors must be thoroughly analyzed before we can compile reliable data. Such figures will serve as framework for understanding potential expenses and exploring different scenarios. However, they remain preliminary and are not detailed enough to support Board discussion let alone decision-making at this stage.
In collaboration with Nordby, we are working diligently to identify these figures and to ensure they capture other details needing to be included in overall figures. We will also need to factor in other cost components, including architectural and engineering services, permits, and contingency amounts.
Additionally, to inform any decision-making on any master plan, the board will also utilize the OVA facilities audit to assess the current condition of our facilities, available reserve funds, and ongoing operating costs. This information will support a cost-benefit analysis to guide us toward the most effective approach for master planning efforts. A comprehensive report will be shared with the board and community once all relevant information is compiled.
I appreciate everyone’s continued patience as we work through these complex details, and I will keep you informed as we make further progress.
At-a-Glance Summary March 18, 2025 OVA Board Meeting
Harriet Palk
News Staff
Consent Calendar:
New Board Director of Oakmont Village Property Corporation: Gary Smith
Committee Reports:
- Architectural: Onboarding new volunteers as part of preparing for routine staff turn-over. Lots of solar applications. Otherwise, business as usual.
- Oakmont Emergency Preparedness: A new FRS/GMRS antenna has been mounted on the back of the CAC building to be used by our zone communicator network radios. The height and length of the new antenna allows us to talk out to any part of Oakmont and to receive from anywhere in Oakmont. Stations have been set up at each Rec Center to talk to East, Central and West Oakmont. Now we can support emergency communications with fewer volunteers from a single point inside the CAC. This could be critical during an extended shelter-in-place event. Weekly ham and monthly ZC radio nets are being held on schedule. Preparing for the next Fire & Earthquake Safe Fair in the Berger Center on April 24 and the next Oakmont emergency drill on April 26.
- Governing Documents: A multi-phased strategy for updating the Oakmont bylaws and governing docs, which would require a community-wide vote, received approval from the Board of Directors. No timetable was included in the resolution that passed on a 4-2 vote. The matter was referred to the Communications Committee to propose an implementation strategy.
- Meet Your Neighbors: MYN is exploring creating a Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) in partnership with the national CERT organization to support first responders. Plans include developing a shelter at OVA facilities for those unable to evacuate, with Red Cross assistance for cots and food. The OVA manager is discussing this proposed partnership with attorney and insurance company. Red Cross to coordinate efforts. Emergency preparedness training for administrative and maintenance staff is also in progress. Currently, 55% of homes participate in the MYN program.
Two Committees
No formal proposals have been made yet, but two committees are under discussion: one to review and closely assess information from Nordby regarding the central complex area, and the other to revive the Oakmont Community Development Committee. The latter would monitor developments affecting Oakmont, such as the old Elnoka property, the luxury hotel under construction in Kenwood, and the Sonoma Developmental Center (SDC).