Contact Person: Maureen Pennal - Phone Number: 707-338-4444 - Email Address: - - Please contact the club or checkout their articles in the newspaper and on this website for more information on joining, meeting times, and upcoming activities.


Happy New Year!

Attend our Annual Meeting on January 26th following the morning Sunday service.

Advent and Christmas Eve

Please join us any Sunday, but also on CHRISTMAS EVE at 4:00pm for a short, meaningful service with special music in the East Rec Center.

Many of us will be busy in the coming d

Grow with Us!

The summer is a great time to get to know us and grow in your faith, no matter where you are on your journey.


Once again we invite you to our monthly potluck, this Sunday, 6/23 at noon, following our worship service.


Our regular Sunday Worship Service is at 10:30am in the East Rec Center.

All Saints Day

Remembering those who’ve gone before us – November 3rd in the West Rec Center!

April Update

We’re well into Spring with Easter behind us. So what lies ahead?

Happy Easter!

Come for Palm Sunday and Easter services, Sundays at 10:30 a.m.