Have You Found Your Shape?

Volunteer jobs come in all shapes and sizes. One size doesn’t fit all shapes, and no one shape fits every size. Each shape adds to and enriches our Oakmont community.

Take the shape of volunteerism at our library. 100% of our library’s functions are handled by volunteers. Headed by Marilyn Pahr, the day-to-day operations are divided into eight teams, each with a volunteer leader who schedules his/her team for 3-4 hour shifts every eight weeks.

SHAPE: Volunteer every other month, like routine and love books.

The library has several openings. 

Contact: Marilyn Pahr at oakmontvillagelibrary@gmail.com

Take the shape of volunteerism for Visual Aids. For 2 hours a week, volunteers meet in person at the West Rec. It is a great way to meet other volunteers and contribute to the lives of those who are visually impaired. The only skills needed are those learned in kindergarten.

SHAPE: Volunteer weekly, enjoy socializing while working, make contributions to improve other people’s lives.

Contact: Marcia Murray at marmurr@gmail.com

What about being a volunteer driver for Volunteer Helpers? This is a once-a-month commitment of 1-4 hours. Driving destinations will be in Santa Rosa. This is a greatly needed service for our fellow community members who need to get to doctor’s appointments and have no other means of transportation.

SHAPE: Volunteer monthly, enjoy driving, able to assist a passenger in and out of vehicle, understand the needs of our senior community members and want to assist them.

Contact: Matt Zwerling at zwermd3@gmail.com

Volunteer Resource Committee was created to promote and link volunteers with Oakmont community needs. Oakmont experiences relatively low HOA fees and a true sense of community because of the efforts of our volunteers. Time commitment is approximately 2-4 hours a month.

SHAPE: Enthusiastic about volunteerism in general, willing and eager to explore ways volunteering can enrich the Oakmont living experience.

Contact: Bev Leve oakmontvolunteerresources@gmail.com if interested in joining our team.