If you are not in an active MYN neighborhood and would like to be, Katy and Matt, MYN coordinators, will help you get started. We have materials, experience and other MYN leaders who will help you get your neighborhood organized. Contact us to attend a training session. It does not take a lot of work. The result of organizing a neighborhood is better emergency preparedness, and the bonus is getting to know your neighbors.

Meet Your Neighbors (MYN) is dedicated to education about emergency preparedness. We are not currently in fire season, but earthquakes can happen any time, requiring shelter-in-place. Emergency preparedness techniques and organization for sheltering-in-place are different than for wildfire evacuation. And it is your neighbors who will more than likely be your first responders in a disaster. Knowing your neighbors and relying on each other in a disaster such as a major earthquake will be critical in reducing both personal injury and property damage.

If you are interested in getting set up with MYN in your neighborhood, email us at myn@oakmontvillage.com. Website: oakmontvillage.com/myn

Please attend our monthly meeting the 4th Thursday of every month at 3:00 in CAC room B.