Contact Person: Charles Ensley - Phone Number: 707-623-9564 - Email Address: - - Please contact the club or checkout their articles in the newspaper and on this website for more information on joining, meeting times, and upcoming activities.


Kids need Kiwanis

Kiwanis Club of Oakmont meets Thursday for breakfast followed by a service project.

Supporting Children

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You Are Thanked Again

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Hope of America Awards Presented

Funding for such awards and college scholarships are made possible by donations to our twice-yearly Shredathons and our upcoming August 3 Carnitas and Margarita Dinner at Berger Center. Tickets available soon.

Supporting Children of the World

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College Scholarship Awardee

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Spring Planning

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Shred-a-Thon News

The February Shred-A-Thon is February 22 at the Berger Center parking lot, 9am-noon. Come early.