Contact Person: Terry Leuthner - Phone Number: 707-291-3023 - Email Address: taleuthner@yahoo.com - - Please contact the club or checkout their articles in the newspaper and on this website for more information on joining, meeting times, and upcoming activities.


Wii Bowling – Oakmont Lanes

This page is only available to OVA residents with accounts registered on this website. Please login below. Or if you have not created an account,

Wii Bowling – Oakmont Lanes

This page is only available to OVA residents with accounts registered on this website. Please login below. Or if you have not created an account,

Wii Bowling – Oakmont Lanes

This page is only available to OVA residents with accounts registered on this website. Please login below. Or if you have not created an account,

Nintendo Wii Bowling – Oakmont Lanes

Oakmont Lanes Bowling Club is a Bowling League consisting of four-person teams that utilize Nintendo Wii to simulate the experience of bowling without the weight of a bowling ball

Wii Bowling – Oakmont Lanes

This page is only available to OVA residents with accounts registered on this website. Please login below. Or if you have not created an account,

Wii Bowling – Oakmont Lanes

This page is only available to OVA residents with accounts registered on this website. Please login below. Or if you have not created an account,

Wii Bowling – Oakmont Lanes

Any resident who has the ability of holding a small remote control in their hand while swinging their arm as if they were rolling a bowling ball will be able to join.

Wii Bowling – Oakmont Lanes

BOWLING DATES FOR JULY: July 2 (week #7, July 4 Challenge), 9 (week #8), 16 (week #9). No Bowling July 23 (fourth Tuesday).

Wii Bowling – Oakmont Lanes

This page is only available to OVA residents with accounts registered on this website. Please login below. Or if you have not created an account,