OCF Grants in Demand

Jim Brewer
News Staff

The Oakmont Community Foundation (OCF) has awarded grants in recent months to Oakmont groups ranging from the Art Association to a new Grief Support group.

OCF provides grants to groups or individuals in Oakmont for eligible activities and projects. Among the recent recipients was the Oakmont Art Association, which organized a bus trip to the De Young Museum for 57 Oakmont residents.

“Without the Foundation’s contribution, the Art Association would have either made a big loss on the bus trip to the deYoung or had to cancel it,” said association president Philip Wilkinson. “Instead, we had a full bus and unfortunately a large waiting list, all because we could lower the cost thanks to the Foundation.”

Other grant recipients included the Asian Pacific Heritage Club, a newly formed service called the Grief Support Group, a jazz education group, and the Games Club that wanted to add to their stock of games.

Founded in 2007, the Oakmont Community Foundation (OCF) is an independent California non-profit Public Benefit Corporation specifically organized to enhance and support educational and charitable activities within Oakmont Village Association.  It is governed by an all-volunteer board of directors who are current and past residents of Oakmont. More than $400,000 has been awarded to Oakmont clubs and organizations since the founding.

The Foundation provides an effective avenue for Oakmont residents, through tax-deductible donations. Contributions to the OCF may be directed to the General Fund for directors to award grants to eligible applicants.  Also encouraged are donations earmarked by the donors for a specific club, group or activity. You can also donate funds to a group or to OCF in honor of or in memory of someone.

For information about grant applications and donation opportunities visit the OCF website at oakmontcomminityfoundation.com.