Start Your Meeting in an OVA Zoom Room


To start a meeting in an OVA Zoom Room, you will need to interact with two items:

  1. Zoom Rooms Computer
    This is a computer somewhere in the room, which is not always visible, that hosts the Zoom meeting. You only need to ensure that this computer is on by turning on the AV system.
  2. Zoom Rooms Controller
    This is a tablet located somewhere in the room. At Berger and East Rec, this tablet is an iPad. At the Central Activity Center – Room B, this tablet is mounted to the wall near the entrance.

Zoom Rooms equipment at Berger Auditorium and East Rec Center are the same.

Zoom Rooms Controller

The controller is a tablet that provides all options to start, control, and end your meeting.

3 Ways to Start Your Meeting

Depending on how your meeting was set up, there are 3 different buttons you can press on the Zoom Rooms Controller to start your meeting.

Meeting Set Up in OVA’s Zoom Account (by OVA’s Event Coordinator)

If your meeting was set up in OVA’s Zoom account by OVA’s Event Coordinator, then your meeting will be listed on the left side of the Zoom Rooms Controller.

Press the title of your meeting and then the blue Start button to begin your meeting.

Meeting Not Set Up Ahead of Time

If you did not set up a meeting ahead of time, you may start a meeting “on the fly” by pressing the orange “New Meeting” button.

Meeting Set Up in Your Zoom Account (or Your Club’s Zoom Account)

If you set up your Zoom meeting in your own Zoom account, or a Zoom account owned by your club, you can use the meeting ID & passcode to connect your meeting to OVA’s Zoom Room.

First select the blue “Join” button to bring up a window where you can enter the meeting ID & passcode:

In the following window, enter your meeting ID, press the “Join” button, and enter the passcode if prompted:


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