Contact Person: Matt Zwerling - Phone Number: 707-539-8996 - Email Address: zwermd3@gmail.com - - Please contact the club or checkout their articles in the newspaper and on this website for more information on joining, meeting times, and upcoming activities. Volunteer Helpers Coordinators provide the following services to Oakmont Residents: Transportation to medical/dental appointments, including pet appointments, in Santa Rosa only Rides to activities and events within Oakmont Meals on Wheels, (707) 525-0383 Monday through Friday, medical rides before 9 AM or after 4 PM are subject to limited volunteer driver availability. No service on weekends or holidays. Please call at least three full working days prior to appointment. We regret that we are unable to provide either wheelchair or emergency service. If you would like to be a volunteer, please call 707-539-8996. Donations to Oakmont Volunteer Helpers are appreciated and tax deductible. Mail your check payable to Oakmont Volunteer Helpers, 6637 Oakmont Drive, Suite A, Santa Rosa, CA 95409. Thank you.