Club Articles

This page includes many of the articles and stories submitted to the Oakmont Newspaper by OVA’s Board recognized clubs, groups, and organizations.

Oakmont Arts & Crafts Fair

The semi-annual Oakmont Arts & Crafts Fair is being held on May 3 from 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. Vendor applications are being accepted now.

Knife Sharpening at OAK

Sharpen your knives and garden tool at OAK on the last Wednesday of each month, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

North Bay Honor Flights

Oakmont Veterans Club partners with North Bay Honor to announce our premiere Honor Flight

Movie: Juror #2

Sunday, Apr. 27, 2 p.m. at the Berger.

Second Annual Soroptimist Spring Time Tea

Soroptimist International of Oakmont Wine Country is hosting the Second Annual Spring Time Tea Saturday April 26th at 12 Noon.

5th Annual Fire Safe Fair  

On Thursday, April 24, from 1-4 p.m. at the Berger Center, enjoy an afternoon of education and information on fire and earthquake safety in our community.

NEW CLUB! Learn about Podcasting

Join the inaugural meeting of this potential club on Monday, April 21, 1 p.m. at OVA Suite B.

Register for Easter Eggstravaganza

Registration opens March 1 for this year’s Easter Eggstravaganza, to be held on April 19, 1:00-2:30 p.m. at the Berger Plaza.

Jazz Club InvestOAK Zentangle Macintosh Users Group (OakMUG) Cannabis Club Stanford Club Círculo Español de Oakmont Soroptimist VOM Rotary Club Kiwanis of Oakmont Rainbow Women (ORW) Cal Alumni Club Art Association Line Dancing Constitution Club Democratic Club Let's Dance Together Bible Study Canine Club Ukesters (Ukulele Club) Cat Care Co-op Plant Care Co-op Current Events Dinner For Eight French Club Great Decisions Mah Jongg Hiking Club Billiard Room Club Wii Bowling Lap Swim Holistic Yoga Lawn Bowling