Club Articles

This page includes many of the articles and stories submitted to the Oakmont Newspaper by OVA’s Board recognized clubs, groups, and organizations.

North Bay Honor Flights

Oakmont Veterans Club partners with North Bay Honor to announce our premiere Honor Flight

AARP Tax-Aide Provides Free Tax Service in Oakmont

AARP Tax-Aide will be returning to the Berger Center Fireplace Room with free tax preparation service on Mondays and Wednesdays beginning February 3 through April 14 from 9:00am to 3:30pm.

Forum on Social Isolation

This page is only available to OVA residents with accounts registered on this website. Please login below. Or if you have not created an account,

RV Camping Trip to Monterey

Join us for an exciting trip to Marina Dunes RV Park in Monterey from March 25–28, 2025.

NEW DATE! Kiwanis Shred-A-Thon

Due to a forecast of rain, the Shred-a-thon has been postponed. We will announce a new date once it’s been confirmed.

Documentary Film Series: Chinatown

Documentary Film, showing March 14, tells the San Francisco Chinatown neighborhood story.

What is the iCloud?

John Wentworth from Technology Simplified will go through the different elements of iCloud.

Wayne Thiebaud: Art Comes from Art

Docent Maureen Murray Fox will present at the Berger Center, Friday, March 14, 10:30 a.m. Refreshments: 10:00 a.m.

Wii Bowling – Oakmont Lanes

This page is only available to OVA residents with accounts registered on this website. Please login below. Or if you have not created an account,

SIR Welcomes SR Symphony CEO

This luncheon is a must for lovers of the Santa Rosa Symphony and for music lovers in general.

Jazz Club InvestOAK Zentangle Macintosh Users Group (OakMUG) Cannabis Club Stanford Club Círculo Español de Oakmont Soroptimist VOM Rotary Club Kiwanis of Oakmont Rainbow Women (ORW) Cal Alumni Club Art Association Line Dancing Constitution Club Democratic Club Let's Dance Together Bible Study Canine Club Ukesters (Ukulele Club) Cat Care Co-op Plant Care Co-op Current Events Dinner For Eight French Club Great Decisions Mah Jongg Hiking Club Billiard Room Club Wii Bowling Lap Swim Holistic Yoga Lawn Bowling