Fire Safety Grant Vault

Table Of Contents:

2018 Fire Prevention Grants Program
2018-2019 Fire Prevention Grant Guide

Fire Prevention Grants Program

This information was pulled from Cal Fire’s Prevention Grants page back in 2018. Click Here To View The Current Page 

STATUS: Call for applications will open October 17. 2018. Applications due December 19, 2018.

Through the California Climate Investments (CCI) Fire Prevention Grant Program, CAL FIRE aims to reduce the risk of wildland fires to habitable structures and communities, while maximizing carbon sequestration in healthy wildland habitat and minimizing the uncontrolled release of emissions emitted by wildfires.

Roadside Fuels Reduction Project in Yuba County. This is an example of a project that reduces the potential for a large and damaging wildfire which would also reduce hazardous greenhouse gasses due to the wildfires.

2018-2019 California Climate Investments Fire Prevention Grant Program

What – California’s 2018-2019 budget allocated up to $155 million to CAL FIRE’s Forest Health and Fire Prevention Programs. Together, these programs improve resiliency of forested and forest-adjacent communities and upper watershed forests while achieving climate goals.

Why – CAL FIRE’s Fire Prevention Grants Program (FP) provides funding for local projects and activities that address the risk of wildfire and reduce wildfire potential to forested and forest adjacent communities. Funded activities include: hazardous fuel reduction, fire planning, and fire prevention education with an emphasis on improving public health and safety while reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Who – Eligible grantees may be State Agencies, Native American Tribes, local government within or adjacent to State Responsibility Area including, fire districts, community services districts, water districts, and special districts, or certified local conservation corps, Fire Safe Councils, or other nonprofit organizations organized under Section 501(c)(3) of the federal Internal Revenue Code.

Project Types and Activities – The three qualifying projects and activities include those related to hazardous fuel reduction and removal of dead, dying, or diseased trees, fire prevention planning, and fire prevention education. Examples of qualifying projects and activities include, but are not limited to, the following:


  • Vegetation clearance in critical locations to reduce wildfire intensity and rate of spread.
  • Creation or maintenance of fuel breaks in strategic locations, as identified in CAL FIRE Unit Fire Plans, a Community Wildfire Protection Plan, or similar strategic planning document.
  • Removal of ladder fuels to reduce the risk of crown fires.
  • Creation of community-level fire prevention programs, such as community chipping days, roadside chipping, and green waste bin programs.
  • Selective tree removal (thinning) to improve forest health to withstand wildfire.
  • Modification of vegetation adjacent to roads to provide for safer ingress and egress of evacuating residents and responding emergency personnel.
  • Reduction of fuel loading around critical firefighting infrastructure, including, but not limited to, fire hydrants, water drafting locations, and staging areas.
  • Purchase of fuel modification equipment not to exceed $100,000.
  • Removal of dead and dying trees that pose a threat to public health and safety and meet the following characteristics:
    • Dead and dying trees must be greater than 10” in diameter and 20 feet in height;
    • Dead and dying trees reasonably accessible by equipment/machinery;
    • Dead and dying trees within 300 feet of permanent structures that pose a structural threat to the residence. (this does not include movable or temporary sheds, outbuildings, or carports).
    • Dead and dying trees within 300 feet of serviceable roadways that pose a structural threat to roadways; or public or private infrastructure.
    • Removal of dead or dying trees from existing fuel breaks; or from Tier 2 high hazard zones.

Fire Prevention Education

  • Workshops, meetings, materials creation, and other educational activities with the purpose of increasing knowledge and awareness of information that could be used to reduce the total number of wildland fire and acres burned.

Fire Prevention Planning

  • Wildfire risk or related mapping.
  • Creation of Community Wildfire Protection Plans (CWPP).
  • Development of evacuation plans.
  • Creation or updates to wildfire mitigation plans.
Examples of non-qualifying project types and activities
  • Purchase of capital equipment greater than $100,000.
  • Installation, creation, upgrade, or maintenance of fire protection features, such as roads, bridges, structure’s or water storage facilities.
  • Any project submitted by a for profit company or corporation.
  • Projects or activities with indirect costs greater than 12%.
  • Projects or activities utilizing CAL FIRE staff without corresponding reimbursements or requests seeking funding for services already provided by CAL FIRE.
  • Removal of dead and dying trees that do not pose a threat to public health and safety.

How to apply – 


Step 1 – Request Tracking Number: Prior to applying, interested applicants will need to request a Project Tracking Number.

Applicants need to request a Project Tracking Number by emailing one of the following: (Northern Region Contact) (Southern Region Contact) (Sacramento)

Applicant MUST specify the grant application they are requesting the tracking number. The request shall include:

  • The name of the grant program (Fire Prevention)
  • The applicant organization name
  • The name of the CAL FIRE Unit the project or activity will be located in
  • The name of the project (if available).
  • NIFC/Organizational account username (if available). If no NIFC/Organizational account username exists please provide:
    • First Name
    • Last Name
    • Email Address
    • Grant Location in either Southern California or Northern California

Applicants must request this information at the beginning of the grant application process. Requests that are made less than one week prior to the due date (after December 12, 2018) may not be considered.

Step 2 – Electronic Application Submission:
Email a complete Project Application package to CAL FIRE at: by 3:00 PM PST on December 19, 2018.

Step 3 – Submit Hard-Copy Application:
Submit a hard copy of the Project Application package postmarked by December 19, 2018 to:

California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection Attention: Grants Management Unit – CCI FP Grants P.O. Box 944246
Sacramento, CA 94244-2460

The hard copy MUST include all application materials submitted with the electronic version. The Project Application MUST contain original signatures in ink (not electronically).


Successful Grant Applicants will be notified in this stage.


During the Grant Agreement stage, the project applicant will prepare and provide additional administrative detail for the complete agreement package.


In the Grant Award stage, official signatures are submitted and the grant is awarded.

Fire Prevention Grant Applications are now available and are due no later than December 19, 2018 at 3:00 PM PDT. All materials necessary to submit an application are included in the 2018-2019 California Climate Investments Fire Prevention Grant Program’s Procedural Guide.

Application forms are required to be mailed to:

California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection Attention: Grants Management Unit – CCI FP Grants P.O. Box 944246
Sacramento, CA 94244-2460

Should you need additional information, you may contact Natalie Burke at 916-568-2922 or

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Please Click Here For A Downloadable/Printable Version Of This Procedural Guide

Grant Project Budget Worksheet:

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A downloadable & editable version of the spreadsheet is available below, please keep in mind that the spreadsheet may only be edited in columns B through H, and that all other cells are locked.
Click Here For The Spreadsheet

California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection
(CAL FIRE) California Climate Investments
Fire Prevention Grant Program
Project Scope of Work

Project Name: Oakmont Village Association, Inc.

Project Tracking Number: 18-FP-LNU-1004

Project Description Summary: Please provide a paragraph summarizing proposed project including the location, habitable structures, acres treated, etc. (Please type in blank space below. Please note there is no space limitations).

A. Scope of Work

This item is broken into project specific criteria depending on the type of project being proposed: planning, education or hazardous fuel reduction. Please answer one section of questions that pertain to the primary activity type for your project.


Section 1: Hazardous Fuel Reduction/Removal of Dead or Dying Tree Projects

  1. Describe the geographic scope of the project, including an estimate of the number of habitable structures and the names of the general communities that will benefit.
  2. Describe the goals, objectives, and expected outcomes of the project.
  3. Provide a clear rational for how the proposed project will reduce the risks associated with wildfire to habitable structures in the WUI.
  4. Identify any additional assets at risk to wildfire that will benefit from the proposed project. These may include, but are not limited to, domestic and municipal water supplies, power lines, communication facilities and community centers.
  5. Is the scale of the project appropriate to achieve the stated goals, objectives and outcomes discussed in Item 2 above?
  6. How will the project/activity utilize the left over woody biomass? Will the project/activity use a biomass facility to reduce greater greenhouse gas emissions?

Section 2: Planning Projects

  1. Describe the geographic scope of the project, including the communities that will benefit, and an estimate of the number of structures within the project area.
  2. Describe how the project will assess the risks to residents and structures in the WUI and prioritize projects to reduce this risk over time.
  3. Does the proposed plan add or build upon previous wildfire prevention planning efforts in the general project area?
  4. Identify a diverse group of key stakeholders, including local, state, and federal officials where appropriate, to collaborate with during the planning process. Discuss how the project proponent plans to engage with these targeted stakeholders.
  5. Describe the pathways for community involvement that will be incorporated in the planning process.

Section 3: Education

  1. Describe the specific message of the education program and how it relates to reducing the risk of wildfire to owners of structures in the WUI.
  2. Describe the target audience of the education program and how information will be distributed to this audience.
  3. Will the education program raise the awareness of homeowner responsibilities of living in a fire prone environment?
  4. Identify specific actions being advocated in the education material that is expected to increase the preparedness of residents and structures in the WUI for wildfire.
  5. Describe the expected outcome of the education in terms of increased or changed public awareness about wildfire.

Answer only 1 set of questions from above, depending on your project; Fuel Reduction, Planning or Education. (Please type in blank space below. Please note there is no space limitations).

B. Relationship to Strategic Plans

Does the proposed project support the goals and objectives of the California Strategic Fire Plan, the local CAL FIRE Unit Fire Plan, a Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP), County Fire Plan, or other long term planning document? (Please type in blank space below. Please note there is no space limitations).

C. Degree of Risk

  1. Discuss the location of the project in relation to areas of moderate, high, or very high fire hazard severity zone as identified by the latest Fire and Resource Assessment Program maps. Fire hazard severity zone maps by county can be accessed at:
  2. Describe the geographic proximity of the project to structures at risk to damage from wildfire in the WUI. (Please type in blank space below. Please note there is no space limitations).

D. Community Support

  1. Does the project include any matching funds from other funding sources or any in-kind contributions that are expected to extend the impact of the proposed project?
  2. Describe plans for external communications during the life of the project to keep the effected community informed about the goals, objectives and progress of the project. Activities such as planned press releases, project signage, community meetings, and field tours are encouraged.
  3. Describe any plans to maintain the project after the grant period has ended.
  4. Does the proposed project work with other organizations or agencies to address fire hazard reduction at the landscape level?

(Please type in blank space below. Please note there is no space limitations).

E. Project Implementation

  1. Discuss the anticipated timeline for the project. Make sure to take seasonal restrictions into account.
  2. Verify the expected timeframes to complete the project will fall under the

March 15, 2022 deadline.

  1. Describe the milestones that will be used to measure the progress of the project.
  2. Describe measurable outcomes (i.e. project deliverables) that will be used to measure the project’s success.
  3. If applicable, how will the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) be met?

(Please type in blank space below. Please note there is no space limitations).

F. Administration

  1. Describe any previous experience the project proponent has with similar projects. Include a list of recent past projects the proponent has successfully completed if applicable. Project proponents having no previous experience with similar projects should discuss any past experiences that may help show a capacity to successfully complete the project being proposed. This may include partnering with a more experienced organization that can provide project support.
  2. Identify who will be responsible for tracking project expenses and maintaining project records in a manner that allows for a full audit trail of any awarded grant funds.

(Please type in blank space below. Please note there is no space limitations).

G. Budget

A detailed project budget should be provided in an Excel spreadsheet attached to this grant application. The space provided here is to allow for a narrative description to further explain the proposed budget.

  1. Explain how the grant funds, if awarded, will be spent to support the goals and objectives of the project. If equipment grant funds are requested, explain how the equipment will be utilized and maintained beyond the life of the grant.
  2. Are the costs for each proposed activity reasonable for the geographic area where they are to be performed? Identify any costs that are higher than usual and explain any special circumstances within the project that makes these increased costs necessary to achieve the goals and objectives of the project.
  3. Is the total project cost appropriate for the size, scope, and anticipated benefit of the project?
  4. Identify all Indirect Costs and describe why they are necessary for a successful project implementation. Administrative expenses to be paid by the Fire Prevention Grants must be less than 12% of the total grant request (excluding equipment).
  5. Explain each object category in detail and how that would support meeting the grant objectives.

(Please type in blank space below. Please note there is no space limitations).

H. California Climate Investments

The space provided here is to allow for a narrative description to further explain how the project/activity will reduce Greenhouse Gas emissions.

  1. How will the project/activity reduce Greenhouse Gas emissions?
  2. Is the project located in a Low-Income or Disadvantaged Community? If not, does the project benefit those communities. Please explain.
  3. What are the expected co-benefits of the project/activity (i.e. environmental, public health and safety, and climate resiliency)?
  4. When are the Greenhouse Gas emissions and/or co-benefits expected to occur and how will they be maintained?

(Please type in blank space below. Please note there is no space limitations).

What are the tentative Fire Prevention timelines?

Grant Application Opens: October 17, 2018
NIFC Account Deadline: November 30, 2018
Grant Application Closes: December 19, 2018
Grant Approvals: April 2019
Grant Agreements sent out: May 2019
Grant Agreements due: August 30, 2019
Grant Projects Completion: March 15, 2023

What are the Grant Request Limits?

• Total Grant Request: No Maximum Total Grant Request
• Equipment Limit: $100,000
• Administrative Costs: 12%

If I submitted an application during the concept proposal phase of the FY 2017-2018 Forest Health program do I need to apply for the Fire Prevention Grants as well?

Yes. Although both programs utilize the same funding source the application requirements are not the same. The applicant needs to utilize the correct application documents, and meet the specific deadlines in order to be eligible for the corresponding program.

Is maintenance allowed on previously created Fuel Breaks?

Yes. Creation or maintenance of fuel breaks in strategic locations, as identified in CAL FIRE Unit Fire Plans, a Community Wildfire Protection Plan, or similar strategic planning document.

How will projects be mapped?

Applicants will be required to map proposed grant locations. Awarded Grantees will be required to provide CAL FIRE Unit Staff with corresponding project data for California Management Activity Project Planning and Event Reporter (CalMAPPER).

Are Fiscal Sponsor Fees allowed to be included in the grant total along with other costs and expenses?

Yes, as long as these costs are directly related to the grant project. The fees will be evaluated as part of the overall grant budget.

What is the maximum allowable administrative or indirect charge?

The inclusion of an indirect or administrative charge is acceptable for this grant program. It is calculated as a percentage of direct charges (minus any funds for an equipment purchase) requested by the grantee. The maximum administrative charge may be no more than 12%.

What is considered to be an in-kind contribution or matching?

Matching or in-kind contributions are any contribution to the project (financial, volunteer time, employee time [paid by another funding source], services funded by another source, etc.) that contribute to achievement of the deliverables spelled out in the Project Application. CAL FIRE resources may not be used as match (i.e. crew day value).

Would applying for two grants from different sources at the same time negate our application through the Fire Prevention Grant Program?

Applying for both grant programs at the same time would not negate the application. However, it is expected that you would not enter into an additional grant contract award for the same activities of the same project. If portions of the project were split, grants could be obtained from different sources for the split portions, not to exceed 100% of the project value. Attempts to bill two grants for the same work within a project would likely
result in legal action by the State against the applicant.

What are the rules regarding conducting grant work on private property?

If the project will accomplish work on private property that is not owned by the grantee, the grantee must secure written permission to prior to conducting work on that property. The land use agreements must be kept
on file by the grantee and available for inspection by State personnel upon request.

Can I apply for a Fuels Reduction grant as a Fire Safe Council and not have a 501(c)(3) sponsor?

Yes, so long as the Fire Safe Council is recognized by the California Fires Safe Council it is an eligible entity. Please see the “Eligibility” section on page 5 of the California Climate Investments Fire Prevention Grant Program
Procedural Guide for more information on eligible entities.

Commercialization of forest products may occur as a part of work conducted during the grant. Since forest products income fluctuates, how can a potential grantee account for this during the application and grant
phases of the project?

If commercializing occurs as a part of the process, any revenue from timber products will have to offset operating expenses. It is recommended that you use the price of forest products at the time of application to generate an estimate for budgeting purposes and not to speculate on the future price of any forest products expected to be generated by project implementation. The income must be accounted for as a net zero gain in the project budget by the end of the project.

Will the grant pay for State Department of Fish and Wildlife (DFW) application fees or costs to have CEQA work completed?

Yes. These items should be included in the budget worksheet for your project. Standard DFW fees for CEQA can be found at

The proposed Fire Prevention project includes a number of community outreach events. Can food be provided at these events and paid for by the grant?

There is nothing that specifically precludes this. However, it would not be considered to be a good use of grant funds and is strongly discouraged.

May a CAL FIRE employee conduct initial CEQA work?

When CEQA work is required, a RPF (Registered Professional Forester) or qualified environmental planner, not associated with CAL FIRE should be considered first to conduct work. CAL FIRE employees may conduct the initial CEQA work for a public agency sponsored project when the grantee contracts for CEQA services with a CAL FIRE Unit. CAL FIRE will serve as the lead agency for CEQA work for non-public entities. If you plan to use a CAL FIRE employee to conduct the CEQA or any work in the project, you should contact them before submitting the application to ensure they will be able to accommodate the additional workload. Please refer to page 31 of the
Fire Prevention Grant Program Procedural Guide for additional discussion of CAL FIRE’s role in CEQA.

In reading through the Fire Prevention Grant Program Procedural Guide, it states that a CEQA document may be required. Would the CAL FIRE “1038i, Forest Fire Prevention Exemption” satisfy the CEQA component since this document is supposed to be CEQA complaint?

The California Forest Practice Rules Title 14CCR1038(i) Forest Fire Prevention Exemption will work provided you are in compliance with Public Resource Code (PRC) Section 4584(j), whereby harvesting is “limited to those trees that eliminate the vertical continuity of vegetative fuels and the horizontal continuity of tree crowns”, and; the proposed project is a forested area. Section 1038(i) would not be the appropriate CEQA document for modifying a non-forested environment. Refer to page 31 of the California Climate Investments Fire Prevention Grant Program Procedural Guide, Appendix B- CEQA Compliance for alternatives. Grantees are advised to itemize the State Department of Fish and Wildlife fee, if any, when preparing budgets during the application phase.

As a grantee, do we ever take possession of any funds?

If your project is selected for funding there will be a mechanism for periodic reimbursement of the completed project work. Additionally, advanced payment of funds is allowed per the Advance Payment of Grant Funds (non-profits only) section on page 18 of California Climate Investments Fire Prevention Grant Program Procedural Guide.

Can we use the OES Form 130 in place of the Board resolution?

The OES form 130 will not work for the purpose of this grant. An approved action by the Board of Directors, specific to this project, will be required before entering into a contract with the State. This is not necessary for
the Project Application phase but will be required prior to signing a grant award agreement. You may wish to include a note in your application that you are working on the Board approval requirement.

May an applicant submit additional documents with their application (i.e. cover letter, letters of support from fire safe councils, county representatives, etc.)?

Yes. We are interested in letters of support but they should be received by CAL FIRE by the grant application due date in order to be considered. They will help illustrate community support. Please reference the project tracking number within the document and utilize the appropriate document naming convention for the electronic files when possible.

Is the Application Checklist and Agreement Checklist, found in Appendix E, required during the Application phase?

The Single page of Appendix E (page 40) provides two distinct checklists. They are Application and Agreement. The Application Checklist is designed to help the applicant insure that they submit all required items for the
Application phase only. The Agreement documents should not be submitted during the Application phase.

Can the grantee purchase Fire Engines or Water Tenders?

No. The Grantee can only purchase equipment utilized for Fire Prevention Activities not for Fire Suppression Activities. Examples of this may include but are not limited to Chippers and Masticators

Will this program pay for structural improvements to habitable structures in the SRA?

No. The Fire Prevention Grants program is not intended to pay for structural improvements such as but not limited to ember changing vents, roof replacements and fire resistant fencing.