Contact Person: Marilyn Pugliese - Phone Number: 408-219-3974 - Email Address: oakmonthealthinitiative2020@gmail.com - Oakmont Health Initiative is dedicated to the encouragement of healthy bodies, minds and friendships through professionally led exercises classes. Classes include aerobic exercise with some stretching and resistance work and are targeted to active adults with good balance and lateral movement. Participants need to use their judgment and body awareness, altering each exercise to prevent injury. Please check with your doctor prior to beginning this or any other exercise program. Wear athletic shoes, bring a bottle of water and a yoga mat if you have one (limited number available at class). - Please contact the club or checkout their articles in the newspaper and on this website for more information on joining, meeting times, and upcoming activities. ---- Zoom Link | Meeting ID: 832 5893 6515 | Passcode: 053432| Volunteer Sign Up

Health Initiative (OHI)

This page is only available to OVA residents with accounts registered on this website. Please login below. Or if you have not created an account,

Happy New Exercisers

First of the year exercisers need caution, common sense and encouragement from others.

Whew, that’s Over!

Anxiety is multi-faceted. And so is the antidote. OHI invites you to exercise stress.

Multiple Means to Fitness

Stretching, warmups, aerobics, weights, balls, bands, dance; OHI gives you variety.

Advice from Grandchildren

Teens recognize the value of sensible exercise. Grandparents can learn from their grandchildren.

OHI Volunteer Sign Up

This page is only available to OVA residents with accounts registered on this website. Please login below. Or if you have not created an account,

The American Dream

Aerobics, stretching, cool-down yoga, weight training, fun, music, laughing. You are invited to OHI!

The Sun Shines

From extremely fit and physically active to Stanford heart patient, Jan makes her OHI come-back.

Beat Summer Heat

Summer is here! Windows are opened but don’t throw out exercise routine.